An interdisciplinary program

Drive the change towards a sustainable future

Master AIRE - Interdisciplinary Approaches in Research and Education

The Learning Planet Institute (LPI, formerly Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires, CRI) has been providing an interdisciplinary learning environment since its inception in 2006. The AIRE Master's degree is part of the EURIP Graduate School for Interdisciplinary Research.

Join the LPI at the Université Paris Cité AIRE Master’s Degree to accelerate 21st-century transitions towards sustainable development goals (SDGs)! Our interdisciplinary program fosters the student-led research projects, emphasizing theory-practice fusion, international networking, and innovative learning.

Gain independence and become the change agents equipped to tackle global challenges. Leverage a diverse expertise to mitigate environmental impact and cultivate resilience. Courses span health, exact and natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities, nurturing social and scientific entrepreneurship.

We seek candidates with diverse backgrounds and a creative mindset. The 2-year AIRE Master’s Degree offers pathways to a 3-year PhD at EURIP Graduate School through FIRE Doctoral School.

2024-25 Tuition fees for the Master's Degree: €250 + €103 CVEC (Campus Tax) + at least €1.200 a monthly budget

  • 117 students each year
  • 81% graduation rate
  • 58+ EURIP, FBS, Mobility & Eiffel scholarship holders
  • 33% acceptance rate
  • Sustainability Focused & Research-based curriculum
  • Real-life experience through internships
  • Ed-tech classrooms with cutting-edge tools and digital resources
  • The Makerlab; A Bustling Hub for Creativity and Innovation
  • Students Clubs
  • Social-emotional learning
Our campus

The AIRE Master is hosted at the Learning Planet Institute.

The Learning Planet Institute campus is located in the heart of the Marais district in Paris. Students studying at the Learning Planet Institute profit from a vibrating ecosystem rich in seminars, research groups, global initiatives about research and education, club activities, and 150 square meters of students' lab space.

The Learning Planet Institute, a crossroad of inspiring people and projects, hosts interdisciplinary research groups whose focus lies on the broad theme of Open Science.

The Institute hosts several Citizen Science initiatives and weekly seminars and events, with the scope of promoting quality research and sustainable development in science, education and the digital revolution.

Studying at the Learning Planet Institute

The Learning Planet Institute’s perspective is to train by Research, Involve, and Act

There are 20 nationalities in the Learning Planet Institute. Courses are in English. Social life is multilingual and multicultural.

In the training program, various profiles are cohabitants:

  • Students in Learning, Life and Digital Sciences, at the end of a Bachelor or a Master.
  • Biologists, doctors, educators, psychologists, lawyers who accompany or anticipate the change of their activity.
  • Engineers, researchers, designers, innovators who exploit research fields through experimentation and want to get their hands on the technical paste.
Our pedagogy

Project-based learning

Students are coming to the AIRE Master with their own project, or at least with an intention. During their training, students will have the opportunity to develop projects directly during the classes. Collaborative working is at the heart of the pedagogy in every course: the richness of your different backgrounds helps to create multifaceted, well-rounded projects where everyone contributes and everyone learns something new. It also helps put in a real-life context the object of your studies.

Active pedagogies

Teachers are not the only ones to be active during a session: students are also expected to contribute actively. They give feedback to the teacher and vice-versa. The output is formalized and there is a reflexive debrief step at the end of the session. All courses are structured slightly differently, but in all of them, the students’ contribution is fundamental, and object of evaluation.

Peer-to-peer learning

Students are coming from many different backgrounds. This diversity is one of the most enriching features for the Master. At the beginning of the year, students will need the skills and ideas from each other to catch up on some of the courses. This is how you will learn the most: sharing your knowledge and “teaching” to your colleagues. This is very important in the dynamic of the Master.