Jean-Christophe Thalabard
Emeritus Professor
I am a MD, PhD, presently Emeritus Professor at the Medical School, Université de Paris.
Jean-Christophe's Bio

I initially graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique (1969) and the Ecole Nationale des Ponts & Chaussées (1974) with a strong interest in applied mathematics (Master degree in Mathematics and Probability, University Paris 6, 1972). I started studying medicine in 1974 while working as a teaching assistant in Biophysics at Paris Cochin University. I was a resident in reproductive medicine in APHP, Paris, then Chef de Clinique- Assistant in Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine in Necker Hospital. IIn 1985, I became a Senior research scientist at Inserm in 1985 (Pr. D Schwartz, Pr. A Spira). In 1987 I joined the laboratory for Neuroendocrinology at UTMSH in Houston (Pr. E. Knobil) for 2 years, where I worked on the neuroendocrine control of the reproductive function in primates. I was then appointed professor at the faculty of Medicine in Lyon. I carried out research in neuroendocrinology in the UMR CNRS 1454 in collaboration with the local neuroscience community, in close connection with Prof. Knobil and former lab fellows in UK, Japan and Belgium. I moved back to Paris in 1996 as both a professor at the faculty of medicine, University Paris Descartes and a clinical consultant in reproductive medicine at APHP Paris. Since then, my research interests have included the methodology of clinical research with a particular emphasis on the links of exogenous hormones in women with breast cancer incidence . I have been a member of numerous committees on clinical research and its regulation at Inserm, different health agencies and foundations. I created and headed for 4 years the Clinical Research Unit at Necker Hospital. The methodological aspects of my research is carried out since 2006 in the Laboratory for Applied Mathematics (MAP5), UMR CNRS 8145, where I coordinate interdisciplinary actions in both clinical and epidemiological research projects in close collaboration with several Inserm teams and foreign universities. Since 2004, I have been involved in the coordination of the MD/ PhD program established by Inserm and, from 2006 to 2020, in the MD/ PhD joint program of Paris Descartes/ Paris Diderot universities. Since 2007, I have been involved in the CRI master- and bachelor programs,. I was the dean for the CRI academic program until 2022.

  • En chemin vers la Pointe Percée
  • Trekking, Biking, jogging are among my favorite sport activities as they give times for meditation and personal thinking
  • Improving my very limited skills in drawing & watercolor remains an unaccomplished dream
BreMo - Breast Health in Nepal
To promote awareness about breast cancer, especially self-check to rural, and/or inaccessible communities (especially in Nepal). Objectives of this project are 2 fold: a) to develop and test an app based intervention in Nepal to evaluate "Theory of change" based behaviour change, b) Develop and test frugal, DIY interventions like 3d breast phantoms to promote proper self-check training.