Matteo Merzagora
Master AIV/DU Teacher
Matteo's Bio

Matteo Merzagora is director of the TRACES think-tank in Paris and Director of the Espace des Sciences Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, ESPCI Paris - PSL University. He is in charge of the University diploma "Mediation scientifique innovante" (TRACES/CRI/Université de Paris), he was lecturer at the Master in Science Communication, SISSA (Trieste, Italy), and lectures in several science communication and science courses in France (Université Paris Diderot and Paris Descartes, formerly at CNAM, Ecole des Ponts et Chaussés, Ecole Normale Superieure). He works as consultant for science museums (Palais de la Découverte, Cité de Sciences et de l’Industrie), and as project manager or consultant for European science communication projects (SISOCDE - code sign in RRI; SiS Catalyst - Children as Change agents for science in society; TEMI and ENGAGE - RRI & IBSE; Science in Radio Broadcasting – SCIRAB; European trainings for science explainers – DOTIK, PILOTS; science in TV drama – Assend, EuroWistdom, Earthwake). He is expert evaluator for the DG-Research of the EC. He is member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Sience Communication (JCOM), member of the scientific committee of the Master in Science Communication, Trieste, Italy, member of the communication committee of the Euroscience open Forum conference in 2011.

Among his latest books, Listening and empowering, Crossing the social inclusion and the science in society agendas (with P. Rodari and V. Mignan, 2014); Science in radio broadcasting (Polimetrica, 2005, with E. Tola and M. Mazzonetto), La scienza in mostra (Bruno Mondadori, 2007, with P. Rodari), and Scienza da Vedere (Sironi, 2006), which reviews and discuss the representations of science and scientists in fiction films.

At CRI, he is the teacher of Scientific Communication.